Reviews power business these days. No reviews, and potential customers are likely to move on to a competitor’s website. Have you struggled to get your customers to leave reviews despite good customer experiences? Are you finding that only negative people are leaving you Google reviews?
Many businesses have hundreds of customers call or order on line every day. They also have a large contingent of regular customers -- people leave happy ALL THE TIME. But time and time again, perectly satisfied, happy customers don't take the short amount of time it takes to leave a positive review.
It's always the one angry person who goes out of their way to leave a bad review. And this will skew the overall ratings, especially for new businesses trying to get established. How do businesses manage this? How do you get the satisfied customers to take a few seconds out of their day to leave a positive?
Well, the answer is that successful businesses don’t leave it to chance or hope that a happy customer will leave a positive review. Like almost everything in business, you need a scalable and repeatable methodology that will result in a review almost every time. Spéir Mór Media has such a metholology. We would be happy to share it with you and discuss how we can boost your reviews on Google, Yelp, and other sites.
Encouraging statistics:
88% Of people trust online reviews as much as the do personal recommendations
44% Of people that say a review must be written within last 30 days in order to be relevant
57% Of people would still choose a business with a 3 star or below review rating
94% Of people would choose a business with a 4 star or greater review rating
We would be happy to tell you what we can do. Please reach out to us on our exclusive link:
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